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Perspective Makes a Difference!

Perspective Makes a Difference!

If something is not going your way, frustrating you, or causing you to react in an unjustified manner; it's all in your head. Everything is Energy, Vibration, and Frequency. There is Positive Energy, and there is Negative Energy. There is Low Vibration or Frequency, and there is High Vibration or Frequency.

You are unable to physically see this energy with your physical eyes, but you can feel it and see the effects of it. Effects of positive energy are; Happiness, Joy, Confidence, Love, Harmony, Empathy, Acceptance, Laughing, Optimism, Certainty, Oneness, Self Awareness, Mindfulness, Consciousness, etc.. Effects of negative energy include; Fear, Sadness, Depression, Jealousy, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Hate, Pessimism, Frustration, Division, Exile, etc..

Thoughts are nothing but a powerful form of energy. If everything is Energy, Vibration, and Frequency; then think about The Law of Attraction. If a form of negative energy affects and causes you to react in a negative way, you're only making the situation detrimental. You're putting your mental and physical state in harms way. Positive Energy and or Frequencies attract Positive Energy and or Frequencies; Negative Energy and or Frequencies attract Negative Energy and or Frequencies.

If you feel an negative emotion of frustration or anger, before you act on impulse, identify what it is that you are feeling. Identify that emotion. Accept what is, and then let go. Let go of that self made image of Anger; you placed upon yourself; connected to what you think/believe is making you angry in the first place. Realize that whatever you think/believe is making you angry, is only in your head. Change your perspective and realize that it was never that serious.

Example: Say, you are in the car on the way to somewhere and you suddenly get stuck in traffic. Instead of catching road rage, cussing and honking at every car in sight; simple identify the emotion you are feeling, relax and enjoy the ride.

Example: Have you ever been on the other end of someone complaining about how bad their day is going or how everything is getting on their nerves?? What are they doing about it? Are they identifying, accepting that feeling/emotion, changing their perspective about it and realizing it was never that serious? No, they're just complaining about it; only attracting more Negative Energy and making things worse for themselves ultimately leading to a "bad day."

Example: Do you know someone that still emotionally attached to their past relationships? It seems like, they can't seem to move on from that past negative experience of getting cheated on, dumped, or rejected. They seem to always end in the same situation when it comes to new relationships and projecting their insecurities onto their new partner, ultimately leading to a devastating and depressing love life. That person is still holding on to that past experience. They are still holding to that thought of "can I trust this person or not." They are still holding on to that negative energy. Simply realize that whatever happened in the past, already happened and you can't go back and change anything. Accept what has happened, learn from it and use it to help yourself grow. Life is only as difficult as you make it. Life is nothing but an experience and how you choose to experience it is up to you.

Your thoughts/beliefs make up your reality. Again, everything is Energy; all living beings, food, thoughts, material things and all matter in general are energy. If you have a negative mindset and are always thinking negative thoughts, then your reality and majority of your life is going to be negative. Be mindful and aware of your thoughts/beliefs because they determine your reality.

Food is also Energy, so be aware of what you are eating. Again, everything has a Frequency; including us and the food we eat. Raise and keep your frequency high by eating, organic vegetation, and drinking alkaline/distilled/spring water, reading, exercise, etc.. Stuff that lowers your frequency are things like; alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, pharmaceutical pills, fast food, processed meats, too much TV, excessive cell pone use, being inactive, etc..

A good recommendation for a book is, "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. It is a really good book and he touches bases and goes into detail about what I've discussed here. He helps apply what you are reading to your life, resulting in better control over your thoughts, emotions and feelings; helping you receive the best out of life.

About souless imagery:

A platform for; creativity, expression, discussion and deep thought. Poetry and creative writing at it's finest. Providing creative writing content including; creative writing and/or editing, poetry writing and/or editing, short stories, blogs and other content writing of the same stature. God bless all the creative and open thinkers out there!

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