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The Magic Behind Word(s) and The Art of (Spell)ing

It is very important to recognize the power that you have, especially when it comes to your words. 

What is one of the first things they teach you in school? How to spell...right?

Words are mathematical equations. Words are spells. Spells are programming, coming from words. What you say is what will manifest into reality. Words are nothing more than reality made manifested. Words are older than the Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets and all living matter. Words come from a hidden place in your thoughts. Words come from a dark matter, which darkness, cannot be examined; that is why darkness is hated. All of existence comes from dark matter, which is 666. 6 Protons, 6 Electrons, 6 Nuetrons, which is carbon, or as we would call it, Melanin. All living organism contain carbon, or Melanin. That is why all fossils are carbon dated. We posses the ability to produce dark matter in our pineal glands, which dark matter is responsible for the existence of all living matter. The universe responds to your thoughts and your words, which then create your reality. So, if you speak death; death will find you. If you speak sickness; sickness will find you, and so on.


(Spell) (ing)

Spell (n) is a word, phrase, or forms of words supposed to have magic power; charm; incantation. A state or period of enchantment. Any dominating or irresistible influence; fascination.

Words and the art of (spell)-ing give symbols meaning and power. Words mean things.

Symbols are an objective sound or shape, which has the ability to transfer meaning (articulation) between two or more beings. This is a form of 'technology' which allows the user to transfer concepts, experiences and ideas to another. Symbols are Objective things and as such inherently neutral. They become Subjective when the meanings which you personally assign the symbols are considered; your framework of meanings and via our knowledge base.



The world within is created by our subjective meanings assigned to the objective experiences in the world without. A portion of our experiences is an objective observation, and the emotional changer we assign to our total experience is the product of how we subjectively assign meaning to these things, places and events. Words and symbols are part of this objective experience, an observational characteristic to being alive on Earth and interacting with other beings whom are 'made in the same image.'

The technology of communication works by establishing a structure of agreed upon meanings for symbols common for the individuals using a particular language. Ideas are thought forms which when received in any capacity, change our consciousness; symbols are literally tools for affecting consciousness. We are indoctrinated into our language via exposure, whether formally or informally in Education Institutions or by observation.

SUBLIMINAL TRANSFERENCE; what we normally think of a magic or special powers is actually an effect of consciousness ((emphasis on hidden meanings)).

It is known, if you can get someone to accept a meaning ad begin to act on that meaning unconsciously, they can be manipulated in-turn changing the consciousness of the person to act as a pawn in the manipulators plans. In Psychology we call this Hypnosis. But this is not the sole purpose of all language, it also has the ability to expand consciousness instead of manipulating it.


Manipulation must be done by covert means, the person being manipulated can not have the same awareness as the manipulator or the manipulation will not work. 'Conscious Co-Creation' is the opposite polarity. To consciously co-create both people must be equally aware of the thing that is being co-created, a meeting of the minds transpires at some level. The key difference between empowering use of symbols and did-empowering is thus the ability of the receiving person to understand consciously what is being transferred and ground it within their meaning structure. Once this is done, they can then begin the process of expanding their awareness to include as much of the objective experience as possible.

Language is an active sense, is the use of common word meanings, symbols, associated in the minds of the users with agreed upon meanings. The common element is the neutral word symbol which is the thing used to bridge the divide between two subjective viewpoints.

Language, used as a covert means to influence the masses has been employed because it can transfer ideas and in turn In-Form the being who has received the idea; whether conscious or not. When we are passively receiving information (watching t.v.) our brainwaves switch from Beta Waves to Alpha Waves, a physiological reflection of our consciousness now being primed to receive programming; the symbols and meanings (pushed through t.v.) are received subliminally instead of consciously, literally programming the watcher.


Articulation (transferring one's ideas to another) without manipulation is a process of learning to use words first within your own understood framework and second within the receiving person's framework of understanding. It is this transference of ideas that words represent which is the goal of consciousness expanding communication; conscious co-creation. Choosing your words carefully, allows you to transfer a thought or idea with great accuracy; without hidden intentions of manipulation.

Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms (Jail sentence or Prison terms). In our language we use curse words and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning (are) man things especially cross words. They can used to make a point. We use a "con" verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God's spell.


Chapter, which is a secret society or religious order.

Page, which is an understudy and in service to the queen and king. To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our souls. Page contains many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a prison ward.

Sentence, which is created by words that are spelled out by using letters.

Letter, which is someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one else, like a blood letter. 

Language=Languid, which means weak and lacking spirit or void of animation, lifeless. Or Languish, which means to lose strength or animation; be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; lackadaisical, listless.

Imprisoned by our language??

Book, which means to arrest or detain. In Latin=Liber or Library; Liberty


Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect.

Bless you = Be less, you

Hello = Helios(Greek name for the Sun)

Sun(English) Sol(Latin), we are said to be souls or to have a soul(Sol). We have solar plexus and our feet have soles. Sole, which is sun in Italian.

Person = Pertaining to the Sun

Male child is born = son(Sun)

Sun in German is Sonne

Hu = one of the twelve gods in the Egyptian stellar cult, which explains why we are Humans. Colors and Hues originate from sunlight.

soldiers (sol) (diers), which go to war for God and the country and when they die they go to another dimension (die men sun)


(Hell), which a fiery place of eternal punishment

(o), which means associated with

Greek Helios = sun = God of the Sun

Good Morning = the sun gives us life, but we are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible.

Dictionary (dick sun nary)

two or three syllables are negative sounds and the other is a derogative slang term. Synonyms and antonyms are listed in a thesaurus = the = Greek Theos = root of the-ology, which is the study of god and saurus, which means lizard. Thesaurus = lizard god


nation (nay-shun)


English = German origins = German runes, which are used for magic and casting spells. Rune magic, which is the active principal as opposed to passive interpretations based on runic divination = the use of runes to affect the world outside based on the archetypes they represented = being in possession of a physical entity that is engraved with any or all the individual runes or "staves," which are used to practically work with their energies.

Letters of the English alphabet come from Germanic runes, which are used for magic or spell casting and for causing 'ruin'

Grammar = grammars = old latin books on syntax and diction, which contained instructions to summon demons = Grimoire, which is a spellbook and is a derivative of French grammaire

The pronounciatin and sound of words affects the matter around us.

Cymatics = study of sound vibration on matter.

Ancient Goetia spellbooks, which were used to conjure up demons and each demon had it's own sigil and name.


About souless imagery:

A platform for; creativity, expression, discussion and deep thought. Poetry and creative writing at it's finest. Providing creative writing content including; creative writing and/or editing, poetry writing and/or editing, short stories, blogs and other content writing of the same stature. God bless all the creative and open thinkers out there!

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