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Are you in Denial??

Cognitive Dissonance: The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

Cognitive Dissonance means that, you hold a core belief that is very strong. When you are presented with evidence that works against your belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Hence, you defend yourself; ignore the point of view and deny anything that doesn't fit in with that core belief.

This is why people get upset when their beliefs are challenged.

A mental conflict occurs when beliefs are contradicted by new information. This conflict activates areas of the brain involved in personal identity and emotional response to threats. The brain's alarm goes off when a person feels threatened on a deeply personal and emotional level, causing them to shut down and disregard any rational evidence that contradicts what they previously regarded as "truth."

An accurate representation of this, is "The Matrix" (which is actually a documentary on society).


In the move "The Matrix," Mr. Smith has the ability to enter any body, at any time, and of course this often occurs when the matrix is threatened by Neo. The scenario is a reflection of our real world.

For example; you're down at the coffee shop, having a conversation with a friend, and everything is fine until you mention something like 9/11 was an inside job. Now watch what happens. Up pops Mr. Smith to replace the person you were just having a conversation with, to attack you, because all truths threaten the matrix. The matrix is programmed into most people in their youth, and because of this "Mr. Smith programming" these people become guardians of the matrix, protectors of the code, police of the mind control, enforcers of the indoctrination...which holds together our false concept of reality like super glue.

Book Recommendation: Phantom Self (And how to find the real one) by David Icke

"Phantom Self" goes into the shadows to reveal the scale and magnitude of what is unfolding as people go about their daily lives. Who or what is dictating the nature of these 'daily lives'? Who or what is driving global society down a dark road of 24/7 control, surveillance and tyranny? And Why?

We live in a realm of Phantom Self which is why society can be so insane, stupid and brutal; but when the gateway is opened to Infinite Self the madness must end - and it will.

About souless imagery:

A platform for; creativity, expression, discussion and deep thought. Poetry and creative writing at it's finest. Providing creative writing content including; creative writing and/or editing, poetry writing and/or editing, short stories, blogs and other content writing of the same stature. God bless all the creative and open thinkers out there!

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