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Paradigm Shift..

"What is wrong with me!?" Can't explain it?

We are currently going through a Paradigm shift; a mass shift in consciousness. Mass amounts of people are beginning to "wake up" or go through a "spiritual awakening." People are having an increase in "self-awareness."

10 Signs That Your are Highly Awake, but may not be aware of it:

1: Clairvoyance (Sight); which is the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

You just start to notice weird things. Things that made sense before; don't make sense now? Symbols, patterns or behaviors you didn't notice before. Do you wake up and see the news on T.V. and say to yourself, "this is such bullsh*t, these are all lies," or you can see the subliminal messages in everything you look at? You see geometric patterns in nature. This is sign of clairvoyance. This is a sign that you are highly awake or have an increased sense of self awareness.

2: Clairaudience (Hear); which is the supposed faculty of perceiving, as if by hearing, what is inaudible.

Do you hear your name being called, when no one is around to say it? You start hearing the subliminal messages in the music they play on the radio. You can recognize the tone or intentions in someone's voice. This is a sign of clairaudience. A sudden increase in sound perception. You can hear notes or tones in a piece of music you couldn't before. This is a sign that you are highly awake.

3: Clairsentience (Feel); the ability to feel and experience the energy in an intuitive way. Have you ever walked in to a room full of people and something just doesn't feel right, so you leave? Can you tell when someone is angry, sad or depressed? Do you have empathy for all living beings? This is a sign of clairsentience. Being able to feel the energy signals given off by people or a certain situation. You can't really explain what you're feeling, but you just feel something is off. This is a sign that you are highly awake.

4: Asking a lot of questions? Do you question everything? "Why is this, why are we here, who am I, why is that true?" Don't really have the answers, do you? Do you have more questions, than you have answers? Not sure how you feel about something, but it doesn't seem right so you question it. Constantly asking questions. People tell you, "that's just they way it is," but you refuse to take anyone's word for what they tell you, so you question it. This is a sign that you are highly awake.

5: Change in diet; are you more aware of what you are eating. Eating a more plant-based diet. This is a sign that you are highly awake. Food is nothing but information. More organic vegetation activate your brain in a different way. Your thoughts are more clear. Your imagination becomes more vivid and you have more questions than ever.

6: Synchronicity: 2:22, 3:33, 9:11, 11:11 any of those seem familiar? No matter how focused you are on something, but every time you look at the clock, you see the same thing every time. It's probably on a consistent basis too. Numbers are the way nature communicates with us. Numbers are how the universe communicate with us. Synchronicity in numbers are messages from our higher selves. Guiding us on a path and letting us know that the universe is behind the scenes working to make our thoughts and beliefs reality. Pay close attention . This is a sign you are highly awake.

7: Change in Job/Career: Quitting your 9-5 job to pursue your passion. Waking up and realizing "why am I wasting my life working this job that I hate." Waking up from the matrix system and doing something more creative and more eco-friendly; something that you're passionate about. Maybe starting a blog/website or your garden or your own business. This is a sign that you are highly awake.

8: Eco-Therapy: Are you drawn to nature? You ever find yourself in nature; at the park, going for a hike, camping. Does nature relax you? Would you rather spend your time underneath the stars than have a drink at the bar? This is a sign that you are highly awake.

9: No More Negativity: Do you find yourself unresponsive to negativity? Someone yells in your face or calls you names and you just brush it off. Your life is all about positivity and you won't allow someone's rude and ignorant comments ruin your day. You have a high frequency and are highly awake.

10: Say No To Drama: Do you not have time drama? Everyone else is so worried about what so-n-so is doing or who doesn't like who. You kind of sit there and realize that it has nothing to do with you, so you leave the situation. You're not worried about someone else's unproductive drama or gossip. You'd rather just stay away from situations like that, and surround yourself with good vibes. This is a sign that you are highly awake.

Know that you are a very special being and there are many more like you. Keep your vibrations high and continue down your spiritual path, for the reality you want and desire is manifesting in front of you. Godbless!

About souless imagery:

A platform for; creativity, expression, discussion and deep thought. Poetry and creative writing at it's finest. Providing creative writing content including; creative writing and/or editing, poetry writing and/or editing, short stories, blogs and other content writing of the same stature. God bless all the creative and open thinkers out there!

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